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Send a Bubble
This website has been set up to give you an alternative to the other intrusive websites that collect personal information from you and make it available to anyone who wants it.


Sendabubble provides services whereby you can voice you thoughts in Bubbles on the internet for all to burst, read and reply to. The Bubbles are grouped, so that when bursting a Bubble, you can choose the category or area that you are interested in. Sendabubble is split into two different methods of grouping Bubbles. The first method allows all Bubbles to be seen by all. They are grouped into categories and locations. This gives the ability to choose the categories and country or continent of interest, and to display a random selection of Bubbles that meet these criteria for bursting. The second gives a private area to each registered user. Bubbles can only be sent to and burst in an area once the owner and the requestor both agree to allow it. Any user can request to join an area, and to invite another user to their area. Any request must be accepted by the owner of the requested area before the requesting user can start using that area. Any invited user must accept the invite before they can start using the area that they have been invited to.


Each user must enter a password and username, to register onto Sendabubble. They will also be asked for an email address for use for occasional advice, such as for activating their account. The registration process will assume Europe for the current country/continent and the favourite country/continent. It will also provide a random colour to the account. Once registered the account can only be used to burst and view Bubbles. The user needs to activate thier account using the activation key in the email sent to them during registration to enable the abibity to send Bubbles. This must be done within seven days otherwise the account will be deleted. The email address, password, current country/continent, favourite country/cintenent and colour may be changed at any time. The user can also choose whether their own Bubbles are included when bursting Bubbles. All these changes are made from the Configuration menu.

General Bubbles

Bubbles in the general area is grouped into categories. The categories are arranged in a hierarchical manner and are given colours. Category are selected using the "Select category" menu. Several categories may be selected or unselected using the checkboxes, and then they can be committed. Container categories can be expanded to see their sub categories, but they can't be selected. Use the "Send a Bubble" button to send a Bubble. You can choose any of your selected categories to send the Bubble into. You will be asked to enter a Bubble title (max 80 characters) and a message (max 1000 characters) to put into the Bubble. You can also choose to remember the Bubble when you send it, so that you can monitor any replies to it. When you select "Burst a Bubble", you will be presented with a random selection of Bubbles from the categories that you have selected and the favourite country/continent that you have selected. Remembered Bubbles will not be displayed, and you can choose whether Bubbles that you have sent are included. The Bubbles will take the colour of the category that they belong to. You burst a Bubble by clicking on it on the window. It will then be shown to you with its replies. The Bubble contents display shows, from left to right on the top line, the country/continent of the user who created the Bubble, the title of the Bubble and the category that the Bubble belongs to. The next row shows the original message in the Bubble. On the left, it shows information about the sender. If you are not a member of the sender's own area, then the request link will appear. If you click this link, you will notify the sender of your interest in joining their area. They can then either accept or reject your request. If the sender is not a member of your area, an invite link will appear. You can invite the sender to join your area by clicking on this link. The sender can then either accept the invitation, or cancel it. In the middle at the top is the count of all the replies. To the right at the top is the creation time and date of the Bubble. At the bottom is the main message from the Bubble. The next rows show the replies to this Bubble in chronological order. They are similar to the lines for the message if the Bubble, with the only difference being the reply number rather then the count of replies. When displaying the Bubble contents, you can remember or forget it, you can reply to it, and you can scroll up and down through the replies. When displaying the contents of a Bubble that you have sent, you can also delete the whole Bubble. You can list all the Bubbles that you have remembered or all the Bubbles that you have sent. From these lists you can display the contents of one of the Bubbles. You can also select which categories that you are interested in. This will filter the Bubbles that are displayed when you are bursting a Bubble. It will also restrict your selection of categories when sending a Bubble. The hierarchical category list will originally be displayed with only enough container categories expanded to display all your selected categories. You can expand and contract the categories, and select or unselect any number of categories. The ones that are currently active are shown in red. When you click submit, your selection will be remembered, and the selected categories will then appear in red.

Own Bubbles

The own Bubbles menu allows you to view and manipulate the Bubbles in your own area. You can send a Bubble as for the general area, but here you don't have any choice of categories, as all Bubbles go to your own area. You also don't get the chance to remember the Bubble, as you can always list all Bubbles in your own area. You can burst Bubbles similar to the general area, but this time the Bubble takes the colour of the sender. The Bubble contents display is similar to that of the general area, except there is no location on the top line, and the category is replaced with your name. You can list all the users that are registered to use your area. From this list you can remove selected users. Yon can list the users that you have invited to join your area, but that have not accepted or reject the request yet. From this list, you can choose to cancel the invite to selected users. You can list all the users that have requested to join your area. From this list, you can accept and reject selected users.

Other Bubbles

The other Bubbles menu allows you to view and reply to Bubbles in areas that you are registered to use. You can send a Bubble as for the general area, but here you have the choice of area instead of category. You remember the Bubble, and you can list all your remembered Bubbles. You can burst Bubbles similar to the general area, but this time the Bubbles takes the colour of the area that they come from. The Bubble contents display is similar to that of the general area, except there is no location on the top line, and the category is replaced with the area name. You can list all the area that you are registered to. From this list you can remove yourself from selected areas. You can choose which registered areas that you are interested in, and these will appear in you send options, and will be used when selecting Bubbles to be displayed for bursting. Yon can list the areas that you have been invited to join, but have not accepted or rejected. From this list, you can accept and reject the invitation. You can list all the area that you have requested to join. From this list, you can choose to cancel selected requests.

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